ESS - version 25.01.0


How can I contribute to ESS?

Everyone can contribute to the ESS project

The ESS project is an open source project whose development depends on the creativity and effort of volunteers all over the world. Therefore, you are very welcome to contribute to the ESS project in various forms, for example: You can get into contact with the ESS developers or the ESS community by sending bug reports to <>. You can also post questions, answers, or comments to the ESS mailing list <> after you have registered.

Contribute with GitHub

You are welcome to report issues, fork the project, send pull requests, or just be social at ESS GitHub repository.

Software metrics and more

You can connect to people that use ESS through Open Hub (formerly "Ohloh") [Web]

Web service provided by Seminar for Statistics , Math Department , ETH Zurich

Remarks and suggestions can be addressed to the webmaster